Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Writing Themes

Some of the key aspects of writing that come to my mind are plot, theme, and character development. When I read a novel or piece of literature, when it is without one of these elements, it doesn’t seem complete to me. From simple children stories to great masterworks by authors like Hemmingway and Steinbeck, they have all three of these elements.

In novels without a theme, which I can’t necessarily think of any, I personally don’t think they are as intriguing as a novel with a theme. Considering I, along with some other classmates around me, can’t think of any novels without a theme, clearly they aren’t as successful as those novels with themes.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I couldn't think of any good examples either, and I think that's because novels that don't have a compelling theme just don't leave a mark. They aren't noticeable or noteworthy.