Friday, May 16, 2008


What is on my mind today you ask; well summer is of coarse! I am officially done with school after this hour, well kinda. I still have to go to 2 classes, but one is my science class where we are doing a student run project and the other is choir, and we're getting ready for Current Jam! I am also really excited for that too!

This summer I plan on playing outside alot and going to the pool. I also really hope I can find a job! I'm basically broke! I have applied to The Neighborhood Icecream Shop and Macy's. I also applied to Big Bowl but because I'm going to college next year they said they can't hire me, which is annoying, I eat there at least twice a week!

I also plan on attending many concerts! The first one I'm going to is in exactly a week! It's a music festival hosted by Rhymesayers Entertainment, a MPLS music company. It's 8 hours long and it's about 15 people performing, maybe a little less than that, but none the less alot of people I really like are going to be there! A perfect way to start my summer.

The main event of my summer is that I get to do workstaff at the camp i've attended the past few years. I am SO excited because workstaff is usually a really fun group of people. We basically do any busy work; wake up call, set up the activities, set up large group, and mess with the counselors and campers! That's the best part. I can't wait for that!

Other than that I can't wait to relax before I start my life, it's wierd, but I'm so excited!


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