Barbie can be two things to a little girl; either something they despise, or someone they want to be. Growing up I was more into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony, and a Power Rangers girl, more so than a Barbie girl. I know I owned one, maybe a couple but I guess I just don't remember my feelings on her. I probably wanted to be like her; pretty, skinny, perfect. I think for young people that's not necessarily a good role-model, but the company has made good attempts at making her a more positive role-model. Making her a pilot instead of a flight attendant, and a doctor instead of a nurse. Not that those career choices are bad, just it shows younger kids, more specifically girls, they can be more than what people tell them.
Bugs Bunny
Bugs Bunny for me as a kid was a loveable character. I think our nation learns a new sense of humor from him, one that isn't necessarily violent, well sometimes it is. He was first created in the 1930s, it brought humor to people during those times, especially during WWII. I don't think sarcasm would have ever taken off as a style of humor if it wasn't for Bugs the loveable bunny!
Mr. Incredible
Mr. Incredible is a superhero, but I think the American people can see him as more than that. Along with being a superhero he is also a husband, father, and friend. In most other movies and books, superheroes are a superheroes and nothing else; they save lives, and they save the world. Mr. Incredible is someone who little kids, dads, moms, and even teenagers can admire. He has a crappy job at an insurance firm, which I think really connects to parents because I know my parents like to complain about work! It's never fun, no matter if you do something you like. Let's be honest, work is work, the majority of the time it's pretty stressful. He also on top of that has a wife that nags him about helping around at home, which is a common issue in households around the country and even the world, even if they are in love. He also has to deal with his whiny kids, let's just say that's an obvious one for parents. I think parents are really like superheroes, just by that alone considering all they have to do, puting up with kids is really far more difficult than one would think! Once you add on saving the world, that truly is a hero! That is what kids look up to. They aren't satisfied with just their average dad yet, they want a superhero dad; one who can lift up cars and planes. And to teenagers, some may act too cool for the movie, but it's one of my favorites. I think anyone my age who doesn't like it is lying. It's a heartfelt adventure, how can you not enjoy it!